Government Payscale & Civil Rank Structure

Hapes offers more than just competitive wages, but those seeking information about the payscale in use within the government and military branches shall find it here.

Ministry of Finance


Wages are paid once a month, based on activity, according to the individual's infofields. Personnel are responsible for ensuring their infofields have been updated by their Commanding Officers, or the Department of Personnel after earned promotions.

Promotions are granted based on a merit system, with merit points awarded on a monthly basis for all members of the Consortium based on their performance by their superior officers following the government wide rating policies. Part time positions increase the rate at which an individual can accumulate Merit Points.

* In addition to the above, promotions to the civil rank of Matarceth and above require the the approval of the Minister of the Interior, and one other Minister.

** Promotions to to the civil rank of Confrix and above require the approval of the Sovereign, based on a recommendation by the Prime Minister or by the Minister of the Interior.

The ranks of Deputy Minister (Fel`ta) and Minister (Fel`da), and those above them, are considered positions as well as ranks, and are appointed by the Sovereign based on either a proposal made by the Prime Minister or relevant Minister, or in consultation with the Royal Council.

Holders of the titles of Diranix or Teloii, should they hold no higher office, receive a monthly stipend equal to the wage of Breniseth.


Rank Insignia Designation Merits Required Pay
Fel`da Regalix (Prime Minister) Felda Regalix Royal Council By appointment 20,000,000
Fel`da (Minister) Felda Royal Council By appointment 17,000,000
Fel`ta (Deputy Minister) Felta Senior Hapanii By appointment 14,000,000
Breniseth Breniseth Senior Hapanii 506 ** 11,000,000
Tarethe Tarethe Senior Hapanii 455 ** 10,000,000
Releth Releth Senior Hapanii 404 ** 9,800,000
Confrix Confrix Senior Hapanii 353 ** 9,600,000
Sellireth Sellireth Veteran Hapanii 302 * 9,400,000
Simineth Simineth Veteran Hapanii 255 * 9,200,000
Matarceth Matarceth Veteran Hapanii 212 * 9,000,000
Navarceth Navarceth Experienced Hapanii 173 8,800,000
Aranix Aranix Experienced Hapanii 138 8,600,000
Craseth Craseth Experienced Hapanii 107 8,400,000
Ardarix Ardarix Experienced Hapanii 80 8,200,000
Jabethe Jabethe Experienced Hapanii 57 8,000,000
Minesthe Minesthe Junior Hapanii 38 7,800,000
Rennith Rennith Junior Hapanii 23 7,600,000
Nethir Nethir Junior Hapanii 12 7,400,000
Locargix Locargix Junior Hapanii 5 7,200,000
Lerin Lerin Junior Hapanii 0 7,000,000